From Pakistan to Bourke, Sadia’s path has been a testament to embracing diversity. Armed with a background in finance and business administration, Sadia found herself drawn to Bourke, where she now serves as the Administration Manager at Bourke & District Children Services, which oversees the Connected Beginnings program.
Connected Beginnings stands as a beacon of support, reaching out to the Aboriginal community, specifically children. Through a range of events and initiatives, the program aims to foster social and emotional wellbeing among children, linking them to essential services and creating a sense of belonging. BACHS is one of these services, and the Connected Beginnings team has been able to refer kids who may have a hearing impediment, speech delay or social development issues to our clinic for a health assessment.
Reflecting on fostering harmony within the community, Sadia shares the impact of recent events like trips for the kids to the local aged care centre for an Easter egg hunt with residents and cultural celebrations like Harmony Week’s flag raising ceremony where each child got to raise the flags of their nationality. These activities bridge generational gaps and enhance understanding of various cultures.
Cultural practices play a pivotal role in promoting harmony, Sadia emphasises. “By celebrating diverse traditions and sharing stories, we empower children to embrace their heritage and appreciate the richness of other cultures.”
Sadia stresses the importance of education and dialogue in creating inclusive environments. Ongoing inclusivity, not just for one week of the year, is essential, making harmony part of our collective consciousness.
Drawing parallels between her Pakistani heritage and the Indigenous culture of Bourke, Sadia finds common ground in the values of family and community. “In both cultures, there’s a deep bond with family, everyone is referred to as either Aunt, Uncle, Brother or Sister and we also have a similar history too,” she observes. “Moving to Bourke, I discovered a welcoming community that embraced me straight away, reinforcing the similarities between our cultures and the universal values of love and kinship.”
As Harmony Week unfolds, let’s continue embracing diversity, fostering inclusivity, and building a future where everyone feels valued and respected.